COVID-19 Update

Updated 11/2022

Mask Policy Update:

Updated guidance from the CDC no longer recommends universal mask wearing in medical offices.

Due to lower COVID-19 levels in Fulton County, AWOG patients are no longer required to wear masks in our office effective October 17th, 2022.*

However, a mask must be worn during visits if you have a fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, or other respiratory symptoms.**

*This policy is subject to change at any time.

**If you enter the office with any of the symptoms listed above without a mask, you will be asked to wear one or be rescheduled.

The Providers at Atlanta Women’s Gynecology & Obstetrics, PC want to let you know that the safety and well-being of our patients, their families, and our staff is always our top priority.

To help reduce and prevent the spread of germs in our office, we are taking the following measures:

  • We are encouraging all staff and patients to get the Covid-19 vaccination.
  • AWOG employees who exhibit any symptoms of a respiratory illness are to stay home until they are free of any fever or other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medications or other symptom-reducing medicines.
  • We stress the importance of handwashing for 20 seconds, avoiding touching your face, mouth, nose, and eyes.
    If you are experiencing any symptoms of respiratory illness (fever, cough, sore throat, or shortness of breath) on the day of your appointment, PLEASE DO NOT COME INTO THE OFFICE!

    • Instead, please call the office at (404)352-3616 during normal office hours and we will happily reschedule you to a more appropriate time.  If you feel that the reason for your visit demands urgent attention, we can discuss the details with you over the phone and alternative arrangements will be made as necessary.
  • As additional guidelines become available, we will update our website and social media with any practice changes.

OB Patients

  • Pregnant and recently pregnant people are at a higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 when compared to non-pregnant people. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The Society for Maternal/Fetal Medicine (SMFM), and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) all strongly recommend that pregnant women get the COVID-19 vaccination.
  • AWOG has been and will continue to monitor and adhere to current CDC guidelines and the advice of trusted medical organizations. Please visit the CDC website for more information concerning Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People.
  • ACOG (The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists) recommends that pregnant and recently pregnant people up to 6 weeks postpartum receive a booster dose of COVID-19 vaccine following the completion of their initial COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine series. For more information please read: New Research Shows COVID-19 Booster Vaccination during Pregnancy May Provide Better Immune Response.

AWOG has been and will continue to monitor and adhere to current CDC guidelines and the advice of trusted medical organizations. Please visit the CDC website for more information concerning Pregnant and Recently Pregnant People.


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We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We must prioritize the safety of our patients and staff.

If you were scheduled to visit us on this day, rest assured that your appointment will be prioritized and rescheduled as soon as possible.

Our team will contact you directly to arrange a new date and time.

If you are a current patient needing immediate assistance, please call (404)352-3616.