What’s the Connection Between Allergies and Pregnancy?

You’re already dealing with aches, pains, and (most likely) what feels like world’s smallest bladder. Now add in sneezing, congestion, and a runny nose and you’ve got a perfect pregnancy!

…or maybe you sense the sarcasm there. But, is there an actual connection between your pregnancy and allergies?

Are Allergies Worse When Pregnant?

Depending on who you ask, you may get varying answers here. Someone who is experiencing a difficult pregnancy may say that they’re absolutely worse, but in most cases the two things are completely unrelated. The most common issue seems to be that people didn’t realize their allergies were as aggressive until after they were pregnant, making it seem like they’ve just gotten worse. In reality, they’ve stayed the same, you just have a little bit more to worry about in addition to a sniffly nose!

The Symptoms of Allergies vs. Pregnancy

This seems like a no brainer, but it can certainly be tough to decipher between an actual bout with allergies or normal pregnancy symptoms.

Allergy Symptoms

Your allergy symptoms will be the same as before you were pregnant, but they may seem a bit worse. The most common symptoms you’ll experience will be:

  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Headaches
  • Itchy eyes, ears, and throat
  • Congestion
  • Sneezing
  • Rashes

Of course, if any of these symptoms get too unbearable, it’s important to consult with Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology as soon as possible!

Pregnancy Symptoms

Besides the obvious (we see you, baby bump!), pregnancy can cause some issues with your sinuses that you may not have experienced before. Due to the increase in fluid that circulates through your body, there may be congestion of the blood vessels in your sinuses, also called pregnancy rhinitis. The difference between this and your allergies will be that there is no trigger. With most allergies, pulling the triggers away will relieve you of these symptoms, but with pregnancy rhinitis, pulling those triggers away won’t matter.

Treating Allergies While Pregnant

Now that you know all the details, we’re certain you just want to know how to get rid of that sniffling!

The first course of action is to obviously avoid anything that could be a trigger. For example, keep animals out of your bedroom, your AC running, and shower after being outside to remove any excess pollen. Avoiding smoke is also a must, both for allergies and the health of your baby.

If you’ve been receiving treatment for your allergies prior to your pregnancy, you should be safe to continue. However, it’s always best to consult with Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology before making that decision. Certain over-the-counter allergy medications may also be safe, such as Claritin, Zyrtec, and Benadryl, but again, make an effort to consult with your doctor before making any decisions.

For more information on pregnancy and allergies, contact Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology today by calling us at 678-466-7418 or requesting your appointment online.

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