Author: Atlanta Women's Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC

Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.

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5 Reasons To Schedule A Preconception Visit

Before you get that telltale “glow,” you have to conceive. Before you conceive, you have some planning to do, and one of those planning steps is to schedule a preconception appointment with Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology. You may wonder why, so here are 5 reasons to schedule a preconception visit even if it’s not your first child.

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How Your Gynecologist Can Help Maximize Your Sexual Health

You may wonder how your gynecologist can help maximize your sexual health, and the truth is they can help, but only if you let them. Since many women would prefer to keep their sexual pleasure or lack thereof to themselves, it’s impossible to get any help if you don’t ask.

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Is My Menstrual Cycle Normal?

We hear this question quite frequently: is my menstrual cycle normal?

Since every single woman is unique, and we love that, it is hard to define “normal.” Most of the time we talk more about what is “average” rather than normal to help women understand if their cycle falls within average parameters.

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Understanding Postpartum Depression And How To Deal With It

Postpartum depression does not discriminate. You can develop it whether your pregnancy was easy or difficult. You can suffer from it if you are a first time mom or already have a child, married or unmarried, and it occurs in women of all ages, races, and education. Simply put, it can happen to any woman, even you. That’s why understanding postpartum depression and how to deal with it is valuable information for all expectant mothers.

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11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist

Most young women begin to see a gynecologist in their teens and by the time they are in their 20s or 30s know the routine, know their bodies, and schedule annual visits. There are times, however, when abnormalities present themselves, and you wonder if you should see your doctor in between your normal visit. The answer is usually yes, and in case you’re in doubt, here are 11 signs you need to call your gynecologist.

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AWOG Will Begin Seeing Patients for Preventive and Non-Emergent Care

As always, the safety of our patients and staff continues to be a priority for providing care while practicing social distancing. Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology will begin providing in-office preventive and non-emergent care starting Monday, May 4th. This means that you may start scheduling your annual gynecological visits, consultations, IUD insertions, elective procedures, etc. at this time.


In the office, social distancing rules will still apply:


·         Only the patient will be allowed in the office for the visit—no extra visitors.

·         All patients will be temperature screened upon entering.

·         Patients must wear a mask while in the office.


We are also limiting the number of patients that will be seen in the office each day. Please be mindful that the schedules will fill up much faster because of this. If you are due (or overdue) for your annual visit, please call (404) 352-3616 or schedule an appointment online today!

What Is Pregnancy Anxiety and How Can You Cope With It?

Even the most confident woman can suddenly panic when told she is pregnant. Whether it was a planned event or a surprise, from this moment unknown insecurities seem to take over, and you are suddenly afraid like never before. What is pregnancy anxiety and how can you cope with it?

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