Category: Obstetrics

What to Expect While Recovering From Vaginal Delivery

Two-thirds of babies born in the United States are through vaginal deliveries. You have always heard that this type of delivery is easier than a C-section, especially the recovery. Since every woman is different, and many vaginal deliveries can take hours or even days, it can vary from woman to woman, but there are common things to be aware of. Here’s what to expect while recovering from vaginal delivery.

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Hospital Bag Guide: Items to Pack for Your Hospital Stay and Delivery

If you are a chronic procrastinator, now is the time to change your habits. Having your hospital bag ready early is non-negotiable! If you are the type who is always early, completes tasks ahead of time, or is generally well organized—good for you—but you still need a hospital bag guide. Let’s go through items to pack for your hospital stay and delivery.

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What To Expect If You Have A C-Section Delivery

A cesarean birth is a surgical procedure used when a vaginal delivery is too risky. According to the CDC, C-sections account for approximately 30% of deliveries in the United States. It can be planned ahead of time or decided during a normal vaginal delivery if complications occur during labor. Either way, here is what to expect if you have a C-section delivery.

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Exercising Safely During Pregnancy

Even if you have never exercised regularly before getting pregnant, it is safe to do so now as long as you follow the guidelines set by Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days. Exercising safely during pregnancy keeps you healthy and actually provides many other benefits.

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How To Be As Healthy As Possible Before The First OB Appointment

After dreaming about it, planning for it, and deciding on a time frame, you are finally going to begin a family. There is one more goal that is essential. Getting your body ready for pregnancy should be at the top of your list. As soon as you make the decision to conceive, start focusing on how to be as healthy as possible before the first OB appointment.

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How To Alleviate First Trimester Nausea Symptoms

There is good news and bad news concerning morning sickness. If you are suffering with it right now, the good news is doctors believe it’s a sign that the placenta is growing normally. The bad news, according to the Cleveland Clinic, is that although 70% of pregnant women get it early in the first trimester, the cause is not totally known. Whatever is causing it, here are some tips for how to alleviate first trimester nausea symptoms.

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The Importance Of A Healthy Diet During Pregnancy

The importance of a healthy diet during pregnancy cannot be overstated. Studies show that there are less complications when moms-to-be eat a healthy diet before and during pregnancy. With that in mind, let’s look at what is considered a healthy diet and how it can help.

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What To Do After You Get A Positive Pregnancy Test

Surprise, you’re pregnant! If this truly is a surprise, stay calm, talk with your partner and consider all your options. The truth is no one can tell you exactly what to do after you get a positive pregnancy test. You might be thrilled to begin or increase your family, be upset because it’s a surprise and it’s not part of your plans, or you may have emotions somewhere in between. However you react, here are some guidelines.

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