Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics and Gynecology is now offering remote video visits for our patients with healthcare needs that can be supported via telemedicine. AWOG patients are able to have visits with their physician using, an easy and secure platform that can be used from any mobile device or desktop computer. Please call our office during our normal hours of operation to discuss your options today!
Author: Atlanta Women's Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC
Where to Go When it’s Time to Deliver
On the day of your delivery, you may enter the hospital two ways:
A) The Main Entrance on Peachtree Road, or
B) The North Parking Deck Bridge.
The North Parking Deck may be accessed from the hospital entrance on Collier Road. If you are coming from Peachtree Road, it will be the first entrance on the right. If you are coming from Northside Drive, you will pass the 275 Building, turn left into the next entrance and follow the signs to the North Parking Deck.
For your convenience, Piedmont has an interactive map as well as a free downloadable app that can assist you with getting to L&D once you have arrived at the hospital!
AWOG See All OB Patients
In an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19, Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology is seeing OB and urgent patients only at this time. We are available by phone for non-emergent, telemedicine consultations.
Please call (404)352-3616 during our normal business hours to reschedule your routine appointment or for any other questions you may have.
AWOG Patients Help Minimize Community Spread
In an effort to minimize community spread of COVID-19, we would like to thank our patients for understanding that it is a must that extra guests be left at home (or maybe in the car?) for their visit. The practice is open and seeing patients and we are taking extra precautions to ensure the safety of our patients and staff at this time. Thank you!
All OB Education Classes Have Been Cancelled
Until Further notice, Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC is cancelling all prenatal classes: Prepared Child Birthing, Breast Feeding, and Baby Basics. If you have already signed up and paid for a previously scheduled class, you can expect a prompt refund. We thank all of our patients for their patience and cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience at this time.
AWOG Physicians Encourage OB Patients to Stay At Home
AWOG physicians strongly encourage pregnant patients to practice social distancing & work from home! If you are a patient of ours, and need a letter or other form of documentation for your employer, please contact our office at (404) 352-3616, Monday through Friday, 8am – 4pm. Please ask for the OB Nurse.
It’s Not Too Late To Get Your Flu Shot!
Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology still has flu vaccinations available!
Please call (404) 352-3616 or request an appointment online today to schedule an appointment!
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information
At AWOG, we prioritize the safety of our patients and we are closely monitoring all information and new developments. We advise that any patient who feels ill or has a fever to stay at home and call their primary care doctor. We encourage good preventative hygiene for all patients and staff including frequent hand washing.
Great Birth Control Benefits That Are Beyond Pregnancy Prevention
Everyone knows that using birth control gives a woman control over when and if she becomes pregnant. What you may not know is that there are some great birth control benefits that are beyond pregnancy prevention.
Continue reading “Great Birth Control Benefits That Are Beyond Pregnancy Prevention”
4 Prenatal Vitamins You Need and How to Take Them
Whether you are planning to become pregnant or gifted with a surprise, taking prenatal vitamins will only benefit you and your baby. Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology suggests these 4 prenatal vitamins you need in order to prepare your body for a healthy baby.
Continue reading “4 Prenatal Vitamins You Need and How to Take Them”