Category: Gynecology

What To Expect During An IUD Insertion

Once you have made the decision to get on contraception, you will need to decide on a contraceptive method. One popular form is an IUD. It is better than 99% effective, so it is considered the most reliable birth control method available. Let’s walk through what a woman can expect during an IUD insertion.

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When Is A Heavy Period Considered Too Heavy?

More often than not, when a young girl begins having her period, hormones are not settled and her periods can be very inconsistent and a little heavy. It becomes difficult for her parents to know if she is bleeding too much and they should worry, but when is a heavy period considered too heavy?

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Choosing A Contraceptive Method That’s Right For You

85% of women who have unprotected sex, even occasionally, get pregnant within a year. Those odds are not in your favor if you’re not ready to have a child. Choosing a contraceptive method that’s right for you can involve some due diligence and clear thinking.

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How Your Gynecologist Can Help Manage Challenging Menopausal Symptoms

Oh the joys of going through menopause! You know, the night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain, and moodiness. Of course we are kidding, because every woman who has experienced menopause knows it’s no fun. Some women have it easier than others, but regardless of the severity of your symptoms, learn how your gynecologist can help manage challenging menopausal symptoms.

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Gynecological Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Your gynecologist has seen and heard it all. Some women, though, become embarrassed about discussing certain topics and avoid telling their doctor about symptoms and specific changes with their bodies. Get over it! This is the one person you can always trust to give you answers and provide the right treatment if there is an issue. So here are some gynecological symptoms you should never ignore.

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How Your Gynecologist Can Help Maximize Your Sexual Health

You may wonder how your gynecologist can help maximize your sexual health, and the truth is they can help, but only if you let them. Since many women would prefer to keep their sexual pleasure or lack thereof to themselves, it’s impossible to get any help if you don’t ask.

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Is My Menstrual Cycle Normal?

We hear this question quite frequently: is my menstrual cycle normal?

Since every single woman is unique, and we love that, it is hard to define “normal.” Most of the time we talk more about what is “average” rather than normal to help women understand if their cycle falls within average parameters.

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11 Signs You Need To Call Your Gynecologist

Most young women begin to see a gynecologist in their teens and by the time they are in their 20s or 30s know the routine, know their bodies, and schedule annual visits. There are times, however, when abnormalities present themselves, and you wonder if you should see your doctor in between your normal visit. The answer is usually yes, and in case you’re in doubt, here are 11 signs you need to call your gynecologist.

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