Category: News

All OB Education Classes Have Been Cancelled

Until Further notice, Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics & Gynecology, PC is cancelling all prenatal classes: Prepared Child Birthing, Breast Feeding, and Baby Basics. If you have already signed up and paid for a previously scheduled class, you can expect a prompt refund. We thank all of our patients for their patience and cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience at this time.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

At AWOG, we prioritize the safety of our patients and we are closely monitoring all information and new developments. We advise that any patient who feels ill or has a fever to stay at home and call their primary care doctor. We encourage good preventative hygiene for all patients and staff including frequent hand washing.

Continue reading “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information”

The Best Exercises That Are Still Safe To Do While Pregnant

Moms to-be have a lot in common. Besides that so-called “glow” everyone says you have, there are swollen ankles, constipation, aches and pains, bloating, and fatigue. Let’s not forget about the fact that you can’t get a good night’s sleep. Yeah, that too. Continue reading “The Best Exercises That Are Still Safe To Do While Pregnant”


Surprising Facts about HPV

Most sexually active adults have been exposed to HPV. However, how much do you really know about human papillomavirus? Here are a few surprising facts about HPV so you are better informed:

HPV Awareness month

1.20 million Americans are infected

According to the American Cancer Society, 20 million Americans are infected with the genital form of the virus and around 5.5 million infections occur each year.

2. You can contract HPV without having sex

Because HPV is transmitted through genital skin-to-skin contact, you don’t have to have sex to transmit the disease. It’s even possible to transmit it through oral sex, but less likely.

3. HPV doesn’t necessarily cause cancer

Some strands of HPV are high-risk, cancer-causing strains while other strains cause no symptoms or health problems.

4. Condom risk doesn’t prevent HPV

Condoms can lower the risk of becoming infected with the disease. However, since human papillomavirus is passed through skin on skin contact, there are no sufficient preventive measures. Most physicians will suggest Gardasil as the most effective form of prevention. Gardasil protects against two types of HPV that cause 75 percent of cervical cancer cases and two types of HPV that cause 90 percent of genital warts cases.

5. HPV has no cure

It’s true that there’s no cure for HPV, but approximately 90 percent of infections are resolved by the body’s immune system.

HPV Treatment in Atlanta, Georgia 

Contact Atlanta Women’s Obstetrics and Gynecology at (404) 352-3616 for more information on treatment.